How to keep your authentic self online

icon your authentic self

In our digital world, where social media and online games are part of everyday life, it’s easy to create an ‘online persona.’ That’s like a character in a story you get to write about yourself. But sometimes, there’s a tug-of-war between that online character and who we really are. Apps that we use tend to reward posts that only show a certain side of us, so it can be tempting always to do that. That’s the challenge. How do you balance your online persona and authenticity? It can be hard, but paying attention and staying focus can help a lot!

Why can it be hard to be authentic online?

On many online platforms, AI is the machine that decides what to show to people. It is programmed with an algorithm that watches what you do and tries to give you more of what it thinks you’ll like. It does that with everyone on the platform. The more people like something, the more it will show that thing. This can be fun because it helps you find cool stuff faster. But it’s also risky because it might push people to want to define themselves by what is most popular online.

For example, maybe you like watching videos where people do wild stunts, and AI keeps showing you more and more stunt videos. Soon, you might start thinking you should be that daring in real life, even if you’re not. Or maybe you like getting style and make-up tips online, and AI shows you more and more seemingly perfect people putting on make-up or finding an amazing outfit. That might lead you to think that you need to be that way too, even if it isn’t the part of you that you feel most comfortable with.

How can you help yourself?

So, how do you stay true to yourself? It’s all about balance. Enjoy the fun parts of your online persona, but remember it doesn’t show real life. The goal is to keep people engaged online. Don’t let it trick you into thinking the world is something it isn’t. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Keep a journal to keep track of what the things you see online make you think. It can be hard to realize that the online world is influencing you, so this trick can help you recognize it early.
  • Keep talking to your friends and family about your feelings about what you’re seeing online. It’ll help you stay grounded in who you are.
  • Ask yourself why you’re posting or playing something. Is it to get attention online, or because it’s what you love to do?
  • Spend focused time doing things that will help you find the real you. That can be hard, so it’s important to really focus on it. Whatever makes you feel challenged yet satisfied is a great start, like writing, music, art, mechanics, or programming.

These are four great ways to unmask your authentic self. It helps you be confident to explore your interests freely, without feeling pressure to fit a mold. That leads to a happier and more fulfilled you!

Owning Your Authenticity

Any effort you put into staying authentic won’t just help you now. It’s building your superpowers for your future. Knowing who you really are, and having the strength to stay true to it is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. So, no matter what the AI algorithms in the online world seem to suggest you should be, don’t listen to them. Being your authentic self means not letting likes, shares, or AI decide who you should be. It’s about being the awesome person you are in real life, in the digital world too.

More resources on this topic


Do you want to know more about AI and how it can influence you? Check out the videos in the “How can AI influence me?” section of this page: Educational Videos for Kids on Digital Safety – Data Girl and Friends (