Offers and Collaborations

Discover the latest offers and opportunities for deeper engagement with Data Girl and Friends. From interactive workshops to exciting collaborations, we invite you to join us in making a difference in children’s digital education.

We also welcome any feedback or support you would like to offer. Together we can work towards a better world!

Our Offerings: Empowering Schools and Parent Groups

We have two distinct offerings tailored to meet the needs of different age groups.

Each offering utilizes a set of tools designed to engage young people and support adults in guiding them through the digital world.

Digital Navigators logo

Offering 1: For Digital Navigators

This offering is designed for young people who are already active online.

We provide a variety of resources and activities that are customized to their needs. These resources aim to enhance their understanding of the digital world, promote safe online practices, and foster critical thinking.

We also offer different collaboration options to best suit the needs of the educators involved.

Discovery squad logo

Offering 2: For Digital Newcomers

This offering is designed for children who are not yet active online.

We provide resources and activities that are tailored to introduce them to the digital world. These resources aim to prepare them for their online journey, instill a safety-first mindset, and encourage open discussions about their online experiences.

We also offer different collaboration options to best suit the needs of the educators involved.

Let's Talk!

Tell us more about what you’re hoping to achieve – how can we help?