Wisdom tree

At Data Girl and Friends, our mission is clear: to provide children with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the digital world safely and smartly. Our unique approach fosters curiosity, encourages critical discussions, and builds essential skills for the young digital citizens of today and tomorrow.

Personal data castle

Our learning vision

Data Girl and Friends’ learning vision is to foster a dynamic and interactive educational environment that encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and active participation in both the digital and physical realms.

The digital world is changing incredibly fast, so we want to give our youth the skills to help themselves through peer-to-peer learning and a focus on building a bridge between the online and offline worlds.

Learning is focused on three groups

  • Discovery Squad lessons are tailored to children who are new to the digital world
  • Digital Navigators lessons are aimed at youth already active online
  • Insights lessons are topics relevant for both of the other two groups

Click on the images below to access the Vimeo showcase with examples of topics each covers.

Who is Data Girl?

Logo Data Girl

Data Girl is the champion of digital literacy and online safety for the younger generation. She dives enthusiastically into the digital universe, guiding children and teens through the intricate web of the internet with a clear mission: to illuminate the path toward becoming informed, responsible digital citizens.

Data Girl’s world is where every click, swipe, and scroll is an opportunity for learning and growth. She stands for empowerment through knowledge, advocating for the safe and ethical use of digital spaces. Her stories are seeds for exploration, spark curiosity, and initiate conversations among peers and trusted adults.

Data Girl envisions a world where children navigate the internet with confidence and kindness, armed with the tools to protect their privacy, debunk misinformation, and leave a positive digital footprint.

She is not just a character; she’s a movement towards creating a safer, more inclusive online community for the next generation.

Who is Ayla AI Girl?

Ayla AI Girl logo

Ayla AI Girl personifies the principle of “AI for Everyone,” emphasizing artificial intelligence’s profound influence on our world, bringing it down to earth for today’s young and curious minds.

Ayla demystifies the complex world of AI, making it approachable and exciting. Her mission is to educate children on the wonders and challenges of AI, encouraging them to become not just consumers of technology but creators and thinkers who understand its impact.

Ayla stands for the ethical use of AI, promoting discussions around privacy, bias, and the future of human-AI interaction. She aims to inspire a future where technology and humanity coexist harmoniously, solving problems and creating opportunities.

Through her adventures, Ayla AI Girl is not just teaching about AI; she’s inspiring a new generation to dream big and think critically about the role of technology in shaping a better world.

Trust icon

Our approach is not just about giving knowledge.

It’s about sparking curiosity, encouraging critical thinking, and

bridging the digital with the physical world in an engaging and meaningful way. 

Mindset icon

Digital Landscape

Exploring Cyberspace & Apprehending AI

As a parent or teacher, you’re a trusted guide as young people embark on their digital journeys. We support you to explore the vast landscape of the digital, AI-driven world, understanding its complexities and learning to navigate it safely together.

Empowering Exploration

We equip young people with the knowledge to understand and navigate the AI-driven digital world, while providing adults with the tools to support this exploration.

Safe Navigation

We empower young people to navigate the digital world safely, and we guide adults on how to reinforce these safety practices.

Digital Footprint Awareness

We educate young people about their digital footprint, and we help adults understand how to discuss the long-term impact of online actions.

What exactly is AI
The cost of free apps

Guide in the Digital World

In the digital world, your role as a guide is more important than ever. You’ll be there to help your young person think critically, make informed decisions, and navigate their online interactions with wisdom and discernment.

Critical Thinking

We foster critical thinking skills in young people, and we provide adults with strategies to nurture these skills in various online scenarios.

AI Literacy

We promote AI literacy among young people, and we equip adults with the resources to help young people recognize AI around them and take control of the role it plays in their life.

Open Discussions

We facilitate open discussions about online experiences, and we guide adults on how to create a safe and open environment for these discussions.

A Trusted Partner

Building trust with your young person is key to open and honest discussions about their online experiences. As a trusted partner, you’ll create a safe space where your young person feels comfortable sharing their online experiences and concerns.

Building Trust

We foster a relationship of trust between adults and young people, and we provide adults with strategies to maintain this trust in the face of online challenges.

Adult Guidance

We equip adults with the knowledge and resources to effectively guide young people in their online interactions and experiences.

Confidence Building

We aim to build confidence in young people to navigate the digital world, and we guide adults on how to support this confidence building.

I can't put my phone down
Online Safety Tips

Safety-First Mindset

Instilling a safety-first mindset in your young person is one of the most important lessons you can impart. Together, you’ll learn about online safety, risk assessment, and responsible interactions, ensuring they’re prepared to navigate the digital world safely.

Online Safety

We emphasize the importance of online safety to young people, and we provide adults with strategies to reinforce this safety-first mindset.

Risk Assessment

We help young people develop the ability to assess potential risks in the digital world, and we guide adults on how to support this risk assessment.

Responsible Interactions

We guide young people on how to interact responsibly online, and we provide adults with strategies to reinforce responsible online behavior